Italeri Sd. Kfz. 142/1 Sturmgeschütz III (1:56)
Can be available 5.3.2025
Plastic model Zvezda 3662 - Su-76 tank in 1:35 scale to be glued. The kit contains 343 parts, length 143 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 6291 – Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn tank in 1:100 scale. The kit contains 30 parts, length 111 mm, difficulty 1.
Plastic model Airfix A1376 - Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar tank (Mid Version) in 1:35 scale to be glued. Length 170 mm, construction difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 3661 - German Sturmgeschuetz IV self-propelled gun in 1:35 scale to be glued. The kit contains 493 parts, length 192 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic model Zvezda 6289 - Russian SU-85 tank in 1:100 scale. The kit contains 16 parts, length 82 mm.
Plastic model Italeri 6594 - Flakpanzer IV Ostwind tank in 1:35 scale to be glued. Model length 169mm, difficulty 4. Pack includes GREAT DECALS FOR 2 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Revell 03293 - military sWS mit Flak-Aufbau als Sfl. mit 3.7cm Flak 43 in 1:72 scale to be glued. The kit contains 252 parts, length 148 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic model Revell 03334 – battle tank Sd.Kfz. 124 Wespe with diorama in 1:76 scale to be glued. The kit contains 54 parts, glue, brush, crayons, length 63 mm, difficulty 4.
Italeri 6584 plastic model - Semovente M42 da 75/34 tank in 1:35 scale to be glued. Model length 144 mm, difficulty 4. Pack contains GREAT DECALS FOR 6 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Airfix A1377 - Stug IV Sd.Kfz.167 tank in 1:35 scale to be glued. Length 198 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Italeri 6566 - tank Marder III Ausf. H Sd.Kfz 138 with crew in scale 1:35 for gluing. Model length 133 mm, difficulty 4. Package contains DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7061 - military self-propelled howitzer Wespe SdKfz 124 105 mm in scale 1:72 for gluing. Model length 63 mm, difficulty 2. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Zvezda 5043 - Soviet self-propelled gun SU-122 in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 76 pieces, length 97 mm.
Plastic model Revell 03315 - tank Sturmpanzer 38 (t) Grille Ausf. M in 1:72 scale for gluing. The kit contains 150 pieces, length 66 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic model Italeri6569 - tank Semovente M42 da 75/18 in scale 1:35 for gluing. Model length 140 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Airfix A1368 - tank M7 Priest in 1:35 scale for gluing. Length 125 mm, width 65 mm, construction difficulty 3.
Plastic model Airfix A1353 - tank JagdPanzer 38 (t) late version in 1:35 scale for gluing. Length 243 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Airfix A1356 - tank M36B1 GMC (U.S. Army) in 1:35 scale for gluing. Length 213 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 5062 - Soviet tank destroyer SU-85 in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 81 pieces, length 115 mm.
Plastic model Zvezda 6244 - German self-propelled artillery installation STURMPANZER IV in 1: 100 scale. The kit contains 11 pieces, length 59 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 3690 - Soviet tank destroyer SU-85 in 1:35 scale for gluing. The kit contains 312 pieces, length 233 mm.
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