Plastic Kit 20ml
Expected 4.4.2025
Revell Contacta Professional is a glue with a needle applicator designed for precise gluing of points and joints of plastic models. Content 25 g
Revell Contacta Professional is a glue with a needle applicator designed for precise gluing of points and joints of plastic models. Content 12.5 g
Revell Contacta Liquid Special is an adhesive specially designed for joining chrome parts of plastic models, but it can be used for a wide range of other materials. Package contents 30 g.
Revell Contacta Liquid adhesive for bonding plastic models. Packaging in a bottle, cap with a brush. Contents & nbsp18 & nbspg.
Revell Contacta Liquid is a thin adhesive designed for bonding plastic models. The glue is applied using a brush built into the cap of the bottle. Package contents are 13 g.
Revell Contacta Glue is a gel glue in a tube designed for gluing plastic models. The working time is about 1-2 minutes, which is advantageous for gluing large parts. Package contents are 13 g.
Revell Plasto is a filling sealant for surface repairs or filling cracks in plastics. Content 25 g.
Revell 39084 - Power Putty is a two-component glue in pre-prepared portions.
Revell Basic Color is a background spray paint. It is used to unify the surface structure before applying the final paint. Content 150 ml.
Revell Airbrush Email Basic is a synthetic primer to achieve the perfect finish. Content 25 ml.
Revell Aqua Color Mix is a thinner and drying retardant for Revell acrylic paints. Content 100ml.
Revell Aqua Color Basic is an acrylic primer for achieving a perfect final coating. Content 25 ml.
Revell - The Model Plus Painting Kit contains 3 0.3.5 brushes, two pipettes for thinner application and a brush wash solution.
Revell Paint Remover is a remover of synthetic and acrylic paints. Suitable for removing paint from dried brushes or metal surfaces. Content 100 ml.
Revell Brush Cleaner & nbsp; 39620 - Aqua Color Clean 100ml.
Revell Decal Soft is a decal softener. Allows decals to adhere better to the surface of models. The decals will exactly copy the contours of the surface. Content 30 ml
Revell set of flat brushes with natural hair for synthetic, acrylic, watercolor or oil paints. The brushes are suitable for painting large flat surfaces. The package contains 4 mm, 8 mm and 11 mm wide brushes.
Revell set of brushes with natural hair for synthetic (enamel) paints, but they can also be used for acrylic, watercolor or oil paints. Sizes 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Revell 39641 - Standard brush (size 00).
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