Mantua Model Electric mini lathe 12V
Can be available 31.3.2025
Modelcraft 9 Pce Plastic Modelling Tool Set. An ideal set for plastic modelling & other craft and hobby applications.
Modelcraft 15 Pce Craft & Model Tool Set. A 15 piece tool set that has everything you need for craft, model making, repairing and small general tasks.
Modelcraft 12 Pce Boat Building & craft Tool Set. This tool set is perfect as it has the essential tools needed for boat building as well as general craft and model making.
Modelcraft 13 Pce Railway & Hobby Hand Tool Set. An ideal set of precision tools for railway modelling & general hobby tasks.
Academy 159252 - basic set of tools for modelers. This set is specially designed for plastic kits - pliers for cutting parts from frames, tweezers, files.
Rotacraft RC12 Single Speed Rotary Tool Kit. Includes 44 accessories. Comes contained in a metal case with transparent front.
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