Italeri M12 Gun Motor Carriage (1:72)
Plastic model Italeri 7076 - military self-propelled gun M12 in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 93 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Can be available 3.4.2025
Plastic model Italeri 7076 - military self-propelled gun M12 in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 93 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Zvezda 6239 - Soviet self-propelled artillery division SU-76M in 1: 100 scale. The kit contains 27 pieces, length 50 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic model Airfix – A01306V - Vintage Classics - Stug III 75mm Assault Gun in scale 1:76. Mould Tools made in 1962, pack illustration by G.Schule, 1963.
Plastic model Zvezda 3532 - Soviet self-propelled gun ISU-152 in 1:35 scale for gluing. The kit contains 200 pieces, length 250 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 3534 - self-propelled gun ISU-122 in 1:35 scale for gluing. The kit contains 194 pieces, length 292 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 5054 - self-propelled gun ISU-122 in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 120 pieces, length 137 mm, difficulty 3.
Plastic model Zvezda 6121 - German 105 mm howitzer 18 / 18M in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 16 pieces, length 75 mm, difficulty 2.
Zvezda plastic model of the Soviet heavy tank IS-7 in 1:100 scale. The kit contains 24 parts, length 100 mm, difficulty 1.
Plastic model Academy 13545 - tank Panzer III Ausf.L "Battle of Kursk" in scale 1:35 to glue. Length 175 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic model Academy 13421 - Soviet T-34-85 tank in 1:72 scale to be glued. Length 114 mm, difficulty 4.
Italeri 6599 plastic model - Carro Armato P40 tank in 1:35 scale to be glued. Model length 165mm, difficulty 4. Pack includes GREAT DECALS FOR 2 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Zvezda 6290 - Soviet T-70B light tank in 1:100 scale. The kit contains 16 parts, length 43 mm
Plastic model Italeri 0270 - tank Sd.Kfz. 171 Panther Ausf A in 1:35 scale to be glued. Model length 253mm, difficulty 2. Pack includes GREAT DECALS FOR 6 VERSIONS.
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