Modell-Tec Kongespiet Norge 1:60 kit
11 699,00 Kč
In stock 1 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Türkmodel rescue tug Nordic 1:72 kit
11 599,00 Kč
In stock 1 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Türkmodel Liman 2 harbor tug 1935 1:20 kit
10 799,00 Kč
In stock 1 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
ROMARIN Motorová jachta Najade kit
6 499,00 Kč
In stock 2 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Krick Přístavní člun Felix kit
2 799,00 Kč
In stock 1 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Krick Motorová jachta Lisa kit
3 399,00 Kč
In stock 2 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Krick Policejní člun WSP47 kit
4 499,00 Kč
In stock 2 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Krick Přístavní remorkér Grimmershörn kit
7 199,00 Kč
In stock 2 pcs
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Türkmodel FPV Westra patrol boat 1:50 kit
9 799,00 Kč
In stock
Can be available 30.4.2025
Can be available 30.4.2025
Losi TEN MT 1:10 4WD AVC RTR Blue
Item cannot be ordered
Item cannot be ordered
Losi TEN MT 1:10 4WD AVC RTR White
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Item cannot be ordered
Spare parts
GP SUPER alkaline battery LR6 (AA) (1ks)
19,50 Kč
In stock 10 pcs and more
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
GP NiMH akumulátor ReCyko Pro Professional HR06 AA
119,00 Kč
In stock 3 pcs and more
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
Reccomended receivers
Spektrum Receiver SR215 DSMR 2CH
Cheep receiver Spektrum SR215 DSMR Sport for RC cars in new super-micro size. 2 proportional channels, frame rate 5,5 ms, integrated binding button, new design for ideal also for small RC cars. Supports SmartSafe and Gas Fail-Safe for RC.
1 099,00 Kč
In stock 3 pcs and more
Can be available tommorow
Can be available tommorow
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