Lightcraft LED Magnifier Lamp with Floor Stand
Can be available 31.3.2025
Lightcraft LED Flexible USB Magnifier Lamp. An energy efficient USB lamp with three light settings, glass magnifier lens & flexible neck.
Lightcraft LED Flexible USB Magnifier Lamp. An energy efficient USB lamp with three light settings, glass magnifier lens & flexible neck.
Lightcraft LED Flexible USB Magnifier Lamp. An energy efficient USB lamp with three light settings, glass magnifier lens & flexible neck.
Modelcraft Universal Abrasive Block 30 Grit. For metal, wood, plastics, leather, rubber, fibreglass & painted surfaces.
Modelcraft Universal Abrasive Block 60 Grit. For metal, wood, plastics, leather, rubber, fibreglass & painted surfaces.
Modelcraft Universal Abrasive Block 120 Grit. For metal, wood, plastics, leather, rubber, fibreglass & painted surfaces.
Modelcraft Universal Abrasive Block 240 Grit. For metal, wood, plastics, leather, rubber, fibreglass & painted surfaces.
Extra Flexi Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Flexi-Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Extra Flexi Wide Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Flexi Wide Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Flexi-Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Modelcraft Precision Micro Sander & Polisher. This precision micro sander comes with 6 superfine pads ideal for polishing out scratches.
Modelcraft Dual-Grit Sanding Sticks x10. These flexible dual grit sanding sticks are ideal for preparatory and finishing work on plastics, resins & wood.
Extra Flexi Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Extra Flexi Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
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