Modelcraft Dual-Grit Flexi Sanders 90x19x12mm (Set P60, P100, P240, P400, P600, P1000)
Flexi-Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations.
Can be available today
Extra Flexi Slim-Line Sanders x 3. These sanders sets are washable & reusable and offer the following grit combinations. (90x19x6mm) Flexible for working on flat & contoured surfaces, especially for those hard to reach areas
The SHESTO Modelcraft collection is a comprehensive range of useful, often hard to find precision hand tools and accessories essential for any toolbox. The range of Modelcraft tools covers many applications where detail, precision and close up control are needed, such as: model making, general hobby & craft, electronics & light engineering, renovation & restoration, jewellery making, as well as smaller DIY and household repair.
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