Revell BANDAI SW - X-Wing Starfighter (1:72)
Plastic model Revell Star Wars 01200 - BANDAI SW - X-Wing Starfighter in 1:72 scale for gluing. The kit contains 44 pieces, length 100 mm, difficulty 5.
Can be available 3.4.2025
Plastic model Revell Star Wars 01200 - BANDAI SW - X-Wing Starfighter in 1:72 scale for gluing. The kit contains 44 pieces, length 100 mm, difficulty 5.
Plastic model Revell Star Wars 01201 - BANDAI SW - TIE Fighter in 1:72 scale for gluing. The kit contains 44 pieces, length 100 mm, difficulty 5.
Plastic model Revell Star Wars 01202 - BANDAI SW - AT-ST in 1:48 scale for gluing. The kit contains 144 pieces, height 182 mm, difficulty 5.
Plastic model Revell Star Wars 01205 BANDAI SW - AT-AT in scale 1: 144 for gluing. The kit contains 161 pieces, length 160 mm, difficulty 5.
Revell plastic model Star Wars Death Star II, Imperial Star Destroyer in scale 1: 2700000 for gluing. Difficulty 5.
Plastic model Revell Star Wars 01210 - BANDAI SW - A-wing Starfighter in 1:72 scale for gluing. The kit contains 138 pieces, model length 106 mm, difficulty 5.
Revell Star Wars 01212 - BANDAI SW - TIE Interceptor 1:72 scale plastic model to glue. Model length 102 mm, difficulty 5.
Revell Star Wars 01213 - BANDAI SW - Razor Crest plastic model in 1:144 scale to be glued. The kit contains 25 parts, model length 185 mm, difficulty 5.
Plastic model kit Revell 02165 - Big Boy Locomotive. Scale 1:87, length 464 mm, number of parts 87, difficulty level 3.
Revell 02166 plastic model - DRG Class 03 locomotive with 1:87 scale tender to glue. The kit contains 136 parts, length 266 mm, difficulty 5.
Plastic model Revell 02171 - locomotive BR 02 with tender 2'2'T30 in scale 1:87 for gluing. The kit contains 159 pieces, length 266 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic model Revell 02172 - locomotive BR01 with tender T32 in scale 1:87 for gluing. The package contains 149 pieces, length 275 mm, difficulty 4.
Plastic kit Revell 03129 - Tiger II Ausf. B in scale 1:72. Number of parts 144, length 14,2 cm, building skill 4.
Plastic model kit Revell 03180 – Leopard 2 A6/A6M. Scale 1:72, number of parts 168, length 152 mm, difficulty level 4.
Plastic model kit Revell 03184 – PzKpfw. IV Ausf.H. Scale 1:72, number of parts 204, length 97 mm, difficulty level 4.
Plastic model kit Revell 03229 – PzKpfw II Ausf. F. Scale 1:76, number of parts 61, length 63 mm, difficulty level 3.
Plastic model kit Revell 03232 – Sd.Kfz. 173 JAGDPANTHER in scale 1:76. Number of parts 51, length 13,2 cm, building skill 3.
Plastic model kit Revell 03240 – Leopard 1. Scale 1:35, number of parts 260, length 273 mm, difficulty level 5.
Plastic model kit Revell 03249 – Tiger II Ausf.B(Henschel Turr). Scale 1:35, number of parts 331, length 293 mm, difficulty level 4.
Plastic model kit Revell 03259 – Armoured Scout Vehicle P204(f). Scale 1:35, number of parts 158, length 137 mm, difficulty level 4.
Plastic model kit Revell 03262 – PzKpfw VI Ausf. H TIGER. Scale 1:72, number of parts 180, length 118 mm, difficulty level 4.
Revell plastic tank model Panther Ausf. D in 1:35 scale for gluing. The kit contains 698 pieces, glue, brush, crayons, length 247 mm, difficulty 5.
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