Zvezda figurky The Janizaries (1:72)
Set of figures Zvezda 8050 Janisáři complementary models. The size of the figures is 1:72. The package contains 43 unpainted figures.
Can be available 3.4.2025
Set of figures Zvezda 8050 Janisáři complementary models. The size of the figures is 1:72. The package contains 43 unpainted figures.
Set of figures Zvezda 8059 medieval peasant army complementary models. The size of the figures is 1:72; 2.4 cm. The package contains 42 unpainted figures.
Set of figures Zvezda 8062 Russian infantry fighters 13-14 centuries complementing the models. The size of the figures is 1:72. The package contains 44 unpainted figures.
Set of complementary plastic models Zvezda 8068 - figures Spartans of the 5th - 4th century BC in scale 1:72. The kit contains 41 pieces, the height of the figure is 24 mm.
Set of figures Zvezda 8071 Prussian grenadiers complementary models. The size of the figures is 1:72. The package contains 41 unpainted figures.
Set of complementary plastic models Zvezda 8075 - Polish Guard figures Uhlans 1809-1815 in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 18 pieces, the height of the figure is 39 mm.
Set of figures Zvezda 8076 Mongolian - a golden horde of complementary models. The size of the figures is 1:72. The package contains 19 unpainted figures.
Set of complementary plastic models Italeri 6054 - figures of the French Foreign Legion in 1:72 scale. The package contains 50 figures. Difficulty 1.
Set of complementary plastic models Italeri 6187 - figures of battle infantry and Sepoys in 1:72 scale for gluing. Construction difficulty 3. The package contains 50 figures.
Zvezda 6287 Plastic Model Complementary Set - 1:72 scale US 81mm Mortat w/crew figures. The kit contains 22 parts, figure height 24 mm, difficulty 1.
Set to complement Zvezda 6286 plastic models - US machine gun Browning w/crew figures in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 20 parts, figure height 24 mm, difficulty 1.
Airfix set of Russian infantry figures in 1:76 scale. The package contains 48 unpainted pieces. Construction difficulty 1.
Airfix set of Japanese infantry figures in 1:76 scale. The package contains 48 unpainted pieces. Construction difficulty 1.
Set to complement Italeri 6121 plastic models - figures of WW2 German motorcyclists in 1:72 scale. Difficulty 1.
Star plastic model of WWII US Marines figures in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 19 figures, the height of the figure is 24 mm.
Star plastic model of US Infantry WWII figures in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 19 figures, the height of the figure is 24 mm.
Airfix plastic model of WWII British Paratroops figures in 1:32 scale. The kit contains 14 pieces, difficulty 1.
Airfix plastic model of WIWII German Infantry figures in 1:32 scale. The kit contains 14 pieces, difficulty 1.
Airfix plastic figure model WWII U.S. Infantry in 1:32 scale. The kit contains 14 pieces, difficulty 1.
Airfix plastic figure model WWII U.S. Paratroops in 1:32 scale. The kit contains 14 pieces, difficulty 1.
Airfix plastic model of WWII British Infantry figures in 1:32 scale for gluing. The kit contains 14 pieces, difficulty 1.
Set of complementary plastic models Zvezda 6174 - figures of the British headquarters 1939-1945 in 1:72 scale. The kit contains 21 pieces, the height of the figure is 24 mm.
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