Revell Sanding Sticks (5)
Revell Grinders. Ideal for fine and fast sanding. Pack of 5.
Can be available today
Revell Grinders. Ideal for fine and fast sanding. Pack of 5.
Set of eight Revell 39070 clamps for modelers. Practical clamps find many uses in modeling. The movable clamping jaws automatically adapt to the divisions. Length is 65 mm, maximum jaw span 30 mm.
Special tool for engraving rows of rivets on a model. It comes with four interchangeable engraving wheels. Fine series of rivets are simply part of many aircraft models.
Academy model knife with spare blades. The handle is made of aluminum. Ideal for working in tight spaces when working with wood, plastic or paper.
Academy straight splitting pliers are specially designed for fine and accurate modeling. Comfortable insulated handles and opening spring.
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