Escape to a magical world with this intricately detailed, microscale LEGO® Harry Potter™ display model of the Diagon Alley™ wizarding shops (76444). This LEGO brick-built wizard set invites adult fans of Harry Potter fantasy adventures to recreate iconic Diagon Alley stores, including Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes™, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor, Ollivanders™, Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary, plus Gringotts™ Wizarding Bank, the Leaky Cauldron and The Daily Prophet HQ. Each building has instantly recognizable exterior details and contains delightful Easter eggs inside.
This magic display model makes striking room decor. Display it as either a 2-sided street or as one long row of buildings or divide it into 5 sections to take a closer look. Add the 12 unique LEGO Harry Potter microfigures and the Knight Bus™ to spark memories of classic scenes.
This microscale building set is part of a range of LEGO Sets for Adults and makes a super treat for yourself or a Harry Potter gift for other fans.
Catalog number | 76444 |
Topic | LEGO Harry Potter |
Recommended age | 18+ |
Number of pieces | 2750 |
Dimensions | 48,0 x 37,8 x 11,2 cm |
Weight | 2,646 kg |
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