LEGO Avatar - Ilu Discovery
Kids and filmgoers can relive moments from the 2nd film or play out their own adventures with this LEGO Avatar Ilu Discovery (75575) set.
Can be available 31.3.2025
Kids and filmgoers can relive moments from the 2nd film or play out their own adventures with this LEGO Avatar Ilu Discovery (75575) set.
Kids and filmgoers can relive the 2nd Avatar film experience or create their own scenes and stories with this LEGO® Avatar Skimwing Adventure (75576) toy playset.
Dive into the oceans of the exoplanetary moon Pandora with this 10+ LEGO® Avatar Payakan the Tulkun & Crabsuit (75579) toy building set.
Kids aged 9 and over can tell endless stories as they build and play with this LEGO® Avatar Floating Mountains: Site 26 & RDA Samson (75573) toy set and explore the world of Pandora.
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