Revell Aqua Paint #93 Copper Metallic 18ml
Acrylic paint Revell 36193 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 93 – Copper Metallic. Tin 18 ml.
Can be available today
Acrylic paint Revell 36193 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 93 – Copper Metallic. Tin 18 ml.
Acrylic paint Revell 36194 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 94 – Gold Metallic. Tin 18 ml.
Acrylic paint Revell 36195 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 95 – Bronze Metallic. Tin 18 ml.
Acrylic paint Revell 36199 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 99 – Aluminium Metallic. Tin 18 ml.
Acrylic paint Revell 36730 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 730 – Light Orange Clear. Tin 18 ml.
Acrylic paint Revell 36731 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 731 – Red Clear. Tin 18 ml.
Acrylic paint Revell 36752 for plastic kits and similar applications. Color Nr. 752 – Blue Clear. Tin 18 ml.
Set of six acrylic paints for modelers Revell 39071 Aqua Color most often used on military aircraft. The colors are 5 ml.
A set of six acrylic paints for Revell 39072 Aqua Color modelers most often used on civil aircraft. The colors are 5 ml.
Set of six acrylic paints for modelers Revell 39073 Aqua Color most often used on military ships. The colors are 5 ml.
A set of six acrylic paints for Revell 39072 Aqua Color modelers most often used on sports cars. The colors are 5 ml.
Revell Aqua Color Mix is a thinner and drying retardant for Revell acrylic paints. Content 100ml.
Revell - The Model Plus Painting Kit contains 3 0.3.5 brushes, two pipettes for thinner application and a brush wash solution.
Revell Painta Clean is used to clean brushes or spray guns from synthetic (enamel) Revell paints. Content 100 ml.
Revell Paint Remover is a remover of synthetic and acrylic paints. Suitable for removing paint from dried brushes or metal surfaces. Content 100 ml.
Revell Brush Cleaner & nbsp; 39620 - Aqua Color Clean 100ml.
Revell Decal Soft is a decal softener. Allows decals to adhere better to the surface of models. The decals will exactly copy the contours of the surface. Content 30 ml
Basic set of six Revell pigments for a realistic patina of models.
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