Italeri Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance (1:72)
Plastic model Italeri 7077 - military Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 81 mm, difficulty 2. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Can be available 3.4.2025
Plastic model Italeri 7077 - military Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 81 mm, difficulty 2. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7078 - tank T-34/76 Model 1943 in scale 1:72 for gluing. Model length 90 mm, difficulty 2. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 5 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7079 - military Sd.Kfz. 251 /10 in 1:72 scale to be glued. Model length 81mm, difficulty 1. Pack includes GREAT DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7080 - military Sd. Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen Stuka zu Fuss in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 81 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7082 - military 15 cm Field Howitzer / 10.5 cm Field Gun in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 120 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7083 - Churchill Mk. III in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 103 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7084 - Czechoslovak tank vz. 35 (designation Pz. Kpfw. 35 (t)) in 1:72 scale for gluing. Model length 68 mm, difficulty 3. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7402 - Triumph motorcycle in 1: 9 scale for gluing. Model length 231 mm, difficulty 4. Package contains SUPER DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7403 - military Motorcycle with Sidecar in 1: 9 scale for gluing. Model length 267 mm, difficulty 5. Package contains GREAT DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7406 - Zündapp KS 750 motorcycle with a 1: 9 scale sidecar for gluing. Model length 265 mm, difficulty 5. Package contains SUPER DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7504 - Easy Kit tank Pz.Kpfw.V PANTHER Ausf.G in scale 1:72. Model length 127 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS.
Plastic model Italeri 7505 - Easy Kit tank Pz.Kpfw.VI TIGER I Ausf.E in 1:72 scale. Model length 120 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS.
Plastic model Italeri 7506 - Easy Kit military 1/4 Ton 4x4 TRUCK in scale 1:72. Model length 46 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 6 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7507 - Easy Kit tank Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.J in scale 1:72. Model length 77 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 2 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7508 - Easy Kit military Autocannon Ro3 with 90/53 AA gun in 1:72 scale. Model length 98 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains 1 QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODEL, 8 MINIATURES and PRINTS FOR 6 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7509 - Easy Kit military M3A1 HALF TRACK in 1:72 scale. Model length 83 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS.
Plastic model Italeri 7511 - Easy Kit tank M4A2 SHERMAN III in 1:72 scale. Model length 82 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7512 - Easy Military kit 8.8 CM FLAK 37 AA GUN with crew in 1:72 scale. Model length 86 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains 1 QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODEL and 8 FIGURES.
Plastic model Italeri 7513 - Easy Kit military M7 PRIEST / KANGAROO in 1:72 scale. Model length 83 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 5 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7514 - Easy Kit tank Sd.Kfz.161 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. F1 / F2 in 1:72 scale. Model length 82 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 2 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7514 - Easy Kit tank T-34/85 in 1:72 scale. Model length 118 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 2 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7516 - Easy Kit military Hanomag SdKfz 251/1 Ausf.C in scale 1:72. Model length 85 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 3 VERSIONS.
Plastic model Italeri 7517 - Easy Kit tank Carro Armato M13 / 40 in 1:72 scale. Model length 70 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 1 VERSION.
Plastic model Italeri 7518 - Easy Kit tank M4A3 75 mm SHERMAN in 1:72 scale. Model length 80 mm, difficulty 1. Package contains TWO QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE MODELS and PRINTS FOR 1 VERSION.
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